‘Subramaniapuram’ all set for Hindi remake

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,November 30 2010]

The Sasikumar directed offbeat film ‘Subramaniapuram’ is all set to be remade in Hindi by Anurag Kashyap.

Anurag Kashyap is an acclaimed young director in Bollywood whose acclaimed films include path breakers like Black Friday, No Smoking, Dev D and Gulaal. He is also a winning screenwriter who has done scripting for films like RGV’s ‘Sathya’, Shankar’s Nayak: The Real Hero and Mani Ratnam’s ‘Yuva’.

The Hindi director who was here for the audio launch of ‘Easan’ recently showered rich laurels on directors like Bala and Sasikumar. He even said if Sasikumar decides to direct a film in Hindi it will be him who would do the script.

Such an admirer of Sasikumar is writing and directing ‘Subramaniapuram’ in Hindi. Sasikumar is happy that his film is in the right hands of Kashyap. The village violence which was true to life is one of the all time favourites for many.

Anurag Kashyap still hasn’t decided on the cast except for the heroine. The homely Vidhya Balan is his choice for the role played by Swathi.

Listen to 'Subramaniapuram' songs on Raaga!